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School Growth Plan



    HMBECS is an exceptional learning place that provides a safe, nurturing learning environment for all students to be successful, engaged learners.  This means that students will …

  • feel connected to their surroundings
  • feel supported by caring adults & peers
  • take care of themselves & others
  • know how to identify their own emotions
  • use a variety of self-regulation tools & strategies
  • solve problems effectively in a respectful manner
  • find and achieve their purpose in the world

Halfmoon Bay’s Personal & Social Competency goals are directly linked to the School District 46 Strategic Plan:

1c. Our students will engage in ongoing reflection, experiential learning, and personalized inquiry through the application of the Core Competencies.

1f. Our students will develop and apply social and emotional skills to successfully live, work, and play together. They will have the resilience and attitude to deal with life’s challenges and to manage their mental health. 

2e. Our staff will engage in positive relationships with students and their families.



    We will support our students to be skilled readers and writers who are passionate about literacy!  Literacy Goal: by June 2024, 80% of all HMB students will meet or exceed grade level expectations in the area of Reading (Proficient or Extending).

*Data determined by reading assessments, K screens, FSA’s & teacher performance summaries.


Halfmoon Bay’s Literacy goals are directly linked to the School District 46 Strategic Plan:

1d. Our students will be literate. They will be effective communicators, critical thinkers, and engaged citizens. 

2b. Our staff will be fully supported for the work that we ask of them and that they ask of themselves through research-based professional development. To support students with Aboriginal heritage, the district Indigenous Learning Support team will be included in planning and a collaborative approach to support Aboriginal students.


Our school values are based on our Code of Conduct and Key Words:


We want everyone to feel safe, confident and accepted at HMBECS.

   At some previous Professional Development days our staff had in-depth discussions about

School Values and the type of Climate & Culture we want to nurture at HMBECS.                      We examined our values through an Indigenous lens & the Principles of Learning:

  • Learning ultimately supports the self, family, community and the land
  • Learning involves recognizing the consequences of one’s actions

Then we focused on three key questions:

What does it look like? 

What does it sound like? 

What does it feel like for students, staff, families, and guests who enter our school grounds?

** Note:  Our collaborative staff discussions were based on the Compassionate Systems Leadership model. 

   At the November & December staff meetings our HMB team examined the Personal & Social Competency strategies in further detail.  What are we doing well? What areas do we need to improve?  What areas need specific updates? What areas can be removed at this time?

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